Paula Jayne White
Paula Jayne White is the founder of Lyric Professional Development, a consulting practice centered on the design, development, and execution of innovative organizational talent management strategies and the programs that realize these strategies. Paula Jayne specializes in sales force and leadership development, and in programs that target, develop, and retain high potential talent in all roles.
Lyric is the culmination of a 20+ year career in talent management consulting with a mission of helping organizations to address the growing talent gap in the global workforce, to develop and retain top talent, and to foster innovation in adult learning.
Paula Jayne has held leadership roles as global Director of Professional Development for the Project Management Institute (PMI), the world’s leading not-for-profit membership association for the project management profession, the Performance Development Group (PDG), a learning consultancy specializing in the pharmaceutical industry, and as a Senior Consultant with Towers Watson, responsible for internal sales force and high potential talent development and curriculum development for external clients. Paula Jayne began her talent development career with Richardson, a sales training and management consulting firm, where she held the role of Vice President, Instructional Design.
Previously, Paula Jayne was an Instructor of English, Film, and Women’s Studies at the University of Delaware, West Chester University, and Philadelphia University.
Paula Jayne holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and Philosophy from LaSalle University, and Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in English from the University of Delaware.
Selected Clients include The City of New York, Lincoln Financial, Merck, NovoNordisk, Vanguard, Caliper, Fidelity, Bank of America, Sony, and Tiffany & Co.